Small Size Premium Spa
Das Architekturkonzept für Kleinstbäder verbindet Funktionalität & Spa-Qualität auf rund 6qm
In his architecture concept, Michael Sieger has turned his attention to the modern premium bathroom and the way it reflects societal trends. More and more people are moving into cities, resulting in increasing scarcity of living space and rising apartment prices. But at the same time, there’s increasing demand for enhanced quality of life. The “Small Size Premium Spa”, SSPS®for short, fulfils all the standards of a luxury spa in a compact area of approx. 6m2. The concept, which won the 2015 German Iconic Award, can be reinterpreted in a variety of designs and styles. In the “Broadening Horizons” interpretation, an intelligent spatial architecture creates emotional ambiences.
1. Trends and challenges
What will the bathroom of the future look like? How will it be used?
As designers, Michael Sieger and his team carefully observe society and its needs, seeing themselves as seismometers that detect overarching trends. Of particular importance in this regard are demographic change and global trends, which require the industry to develop potential new solutions in advance.
The bathroom – a small space that makes big difference
The effects of urbanisation can be felt across the globe, with cities acting as magnets to more and more people. A look back over the previous century puts this development into focus. Whereas around 29% of the world’s population lived in cities back in 1950 (0.73 billion people), this figure rose to 51% by 2010 (3.5 billion). By 2050, it is set to reach 70% (6.8 billion). What’s more, rural exodus is no longer regarded as the primary cause, but the shift is being increasingly attributed to natural population growth. The result is vertical construction, with living space becoming smaller and more expensive. In parts of New York or Berlin, for example, the prices per square metre have more or less doubled over the past few years. The demands placed on apartments and bathroom design are high – and increasing all the time as space becomes ever scarcer. The bathroom is becoming ever more important as a part of overall living space. Not only does it serve to prevent illness and boost quality of life, but it is also becoming more and more of a refuge – a place to refresh and revitalise.
2. Spaciousness in two areas
With numerous individual usage options, SSPS®meets the highest standards in terms of comfort, functionality and enhanced quality of life. The “Small Size Premium Spa” concept is based on a carefully designed zone architecture and a functional arrangement of elements. The spacious wet zone, measuring approx. 3.5m2, is only separated from the dry zone by a glass screen. The two zones create a spacious and harmonious ambience.
The wet zone
There is a wide variety of usage options. For example, SSPS®features both a vertical and a horizontal shower. Since the innovative shower applications make it just as comfortable to shower lying down as to take a bath, there’s no need for a bathtub. If a bathtub is expressly required, it can be precisely integrated (in combination with a footbath, for example) and covered when necessary so that it can be used as a seat. An integrated shower tube with a laminar water flow enables a variety of additional regenerative applications. Right from the ceiling down, minimalist design maximises the quality of the user experience. With an integrated rain panel, the water comes down as though from the sky. A steam bath and other scenarios help to prevent illness and to maintain and promote health.
The dry zone
The "dry zone" is also characterised by minimalist design and a high level of functionality. Specialist discharge points can be positioned at the double washbasin: an extendible sprinkler head that can be used, for example, to wash hair; a tube for applying water to individual parts of the body; and a fixed outlet that can be used in conjunction with a 180- degree aerator jet for oral irrigation. The display integrated in the mirror or cabinet front allows users to individually control outlets and scenarios that incorporate the entire room. A shower toilet offers a high level of convenience.
3. Emotional ambiences – Lighting
For well-being, it takes a lighting concept that creates a pleasant atmosphere whilst delivering the brightness necessary for day-to-day activities, e.g. the application of make-up. In windowless rooms in particular, light is vital and connects with our senses on various levels. LED technology opens up whole new possibilities. Integrated strip lights and spotlights create the perfect mood in accordance with the user's personal preferences. They can be operated in line with the various scenarios or set to adjust themselves automatically.
Scenarios – Broadening Horizons
In the “Broadening Horizons” interpretation, the bathroom becomes a unified whole with an intelligent spatial architecture that creates an emotional ambience. The large screen acts as a virtual window, which can optionally display a live camera feed of the surroundings and produce an atmosphere that harmonises with changes in the natural light outside. Through its impact on our body clock and circadian rhythm, this function promotes inner balance. The intelligent architecture includes sophisticated light control. Throughout the bathroom, there are flat surfaces that neatly house the functional options and act as a canvas for individual scenarios like the invigorating rainfall scenario. This helps to increasingly make bathrooms into spaces that cultivate harmony, health and enhanced quality of life.
You can find comprehensive information as well as visualisations, such as a 360-degree panoramic view of SSPS®, on our microsite: https://www.small-size-premium-spa.com/en
SSPS®is a registered trademark. Picture Copyright: sieger design; CGIs by CASA Fotostudio
a) “Broadening Horizons“
b) Design 1 “Contemporary"
c) Design 2 “Modern Classic“
For the SSPS®interpretations we chose products of different manufacturers. Among others:
Alape GmbH
Aloys F. Dornbracht GmbH & Co. KG
Ambiance Tuning Technique (ATT), including FOOT BATHATT and Leg Shower Horizontal Shower
Smart Water
Water Modules
Duravit AG
Happy D.2 (washstand and toilet)
Quellen:Statista, Statistik über den Anteil der in Städten lebenden Bevölkerung weltweit, 2015 Studien/Material sda, 2015
GfK-Badstudie, 2012
Magazin zur Entwicklungspolitik, Bundesregierung, 2008